Written by: Sebrina Eden

2024 Goals

I am so very happy to see the end of 2023. I don’t even want to talk about what a shit show December has been for my family and me, so I won’t.

This post is going to be about the goals. 2024 is going to be the year we get it done. What ‘it’ am I talking about? All of it. Everything. We’re gonna hit those goals together.

I can hear you ask, ‘But what if we don’t get all of them finished?’

It’s okay! These goals are more like guidelines. We’ll aim to achieve them, but if we have to adjust because life happens then that’s okay.

Now, onto my list!

Writing Goals

  • Receive and go through feedback from proofreader (LOVE YOU ELLIE) on Grimstone 1
  • Sort out book cover(s)
  • Format and PUBLISH GRIMSTONE 1?!
  • Finish reading/editing/revising Grimstone 2 and 3
  • Finish draft 0 of Grimstone 4
  • Finish draft 0 of Gravedigger
  • One blog post a week (yes, I’m counting this as my first for 2024)

Reading Goals

I didn’t do as much reading as I had wanted in 2023. Mostly because all the spoons I had for reading were spent on kiddo’s reading. While I will count the books read with kiddo as part of my yearly total, I also want to read and review at least one indie novel a month.

Personal Goals

  • Explore painting with acrylics beyond the unfinished wooden crafts I had started at the back end of 2023, so working on different mediums like canvases or fabrics
  • Resume yoga
  • Resume maintaining a log of daily tasks, so I don’t forget and can tell my lying bastard of a brain, ‘SEE! I did stuff.’

What are your goals for this year?