Contrary Like a Cat: Argh Reviews!
I wanted to enjoy the film without feeling like I needed to analyse it. That’s it - that’s the crux. The first viewing is to absorb and take in, enjoy it or hate it. Subsequent viewings are for analyses.
Would love to hear from you if you would like to discuss any post I have made here!
Contrary Like a Cat: Argh Reviews!
I wanted to enjoy the film without feeling like I needed to analyse it. That’s it - that’s the crux. The first viewing is to absorb and take in, enjoy it or hate it. Subsequent viewings are for analyses.
My Toxic Relationship with (Camp) NaNoWriMo
Writing is not a competitive sport. I know this logically, but in the back of my mind all I can hear is a voice asking why I’m not doing more. Why haven’t I published yet? Why isn’t what I have written good enough to publish yet? It’s a throwback to school. I received a B, but why isn’t it an A? I received an A, but why wasn’t it a perfect A?
Fear Itself: the IRS and Filing From Abroad
All I know is with every step closer to publishing. Every step closer to potentially earning some money, even though logically I know I may never earn anything, I have a massive panic attack that stops me in my tracks until I can lie to myself enough to keep going.